A Poppy
A Poppy

Memorials & Monuments
on the Isle of Wight
- Cowes -
- St Mary's Church : Roll of Honour -


In St Mary's Church, Church Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 8HA.
IWM War Memorials Archive Record

Link : War Memorials Archive Reference 21774
Historic England Listing Status

St Mary's Church is Listed Grade II*. Since the Memorial forms part of the fabric of the building it is assumed that it is covered by the Listing.

A framed Roll of Honour, preprinted text with manuscript names. The names given here are essentially the same as those given under Cowes War Memorial (where CWGC references may be found) but there are some additional names, and some variations on spelling which are indicated below :

Additional Names :

H A Beere CWGC reference ... Alfred Henry Beere
W E Beere No CWGC record. Walter Edwin Beere. Served as Pte 5173 Hampshire Regiment (enlisted 25 Sep 1914), later 453038 496 Agric Coy, Labour Corps. Discharged Sick with Silver War Badge 6 May 1919, and died the following year. (registered Tamworth, Staffs, Dec 1920 qtr.)
J S Bell CWGC reference ... not found
J Bishop CWGC reference ... not found. The Isle of Wight County Press of 14 July 1917 contains a Death notice which reads : "BISHOP - June 27, lost at sea, James, the dearly loved husband of Flora Bishop, of Martello-terrace, St Mary's-road, Cowes, aged [--] - Mrs Bishop wishes to thank all kind friends for letters and sympathy in her sad bereavement."
H Crouch CWGC reference ... not found

Name variations :

G Angell / G Angel
W H J Daniell / W Daniel
C W Gibbons / C W Gibbens
W G Kittle / W G Kitale
J V Mumford / J H V Mumford
A Westhorp / A Westhorpe

Cowes : St Mary's Church : Roll of Honour

EUROPEAN WAR    1914 - 1918

Greater love hath no man than this that
a man lay down his life for his friends
Jesu mercy

Names recorded
F L Allen W H J DaniellA F Kemp A V Ridgley
W C Allen A C Day W G KittleP Roberts
W E Allen E E Dimmick D Lashmar A A Russell
G Angell W DraperC P Lee A W G Salisbury
C Arnold E Duff F Lee A F Slade
J Ash R Dycer G H Lee D Sparks
E A Ayres H A Evans F J Leftwich J H Spragg
A R Bailey W J Finch H E Long J W E Stallard
W H Bailey H J Francis B G McGahey A Stephens
J H Barrett D A French A H Maltby A S H Stevenson
H Bartlett A J Froud H J Martin J C Stevenson
H G Bartlett E H Fuller J Meek D Street
J R Barton C W Gibbons F C Miles W Sivier
F Bax W Gladdis A W Moore F Sivier
H A Beere C H Gustar W Moore R P Taylor
W E Beere E J Hagen H Moth R H Thompson
J S Bell J C Harding W H Moth O Trevett
W J Best F Harris J Mulcock G H Tyler
R M Bilk H Harvey J V Mumford G H Wadham
J Bishop W C Hawkins H A Nobbs W Waite
S H Bishop C Hayter G R Noyce A Wallace
G G Bower S C Hendy V Osborne L C Warder
H E A Brown W H Hendy S Osborne G H Warne
G H Bull E Hesketh J Patterson V G Watts
F Burridge H A Hobbs P C Peach G A Way
E C Carpenter H Hodges C Phillips H Webster
H T Carter W W Holmes W Potter O Westbrook
E H Caws G Hunt G T Powell A Westhorp
W Chapman P Hunt C R Rankin T Westlake
H Cole A J Hurst C Ratsey C F Whitticom
G Coltar S T Ivory D W Ratsey C E Wilkins
C E Cooper E W Jackman S G Ratsey B Wilson
L E Cotter G H Jackson H Read W R Woodland
H Crouch W Jolliffe H V Reynolds
H K Damant T Jones F A Richardson

Page last updated : 10 January 2015 (identified W E Beere)


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