In Ventnor Cemetery, Ventnor, Isle of Wight Description Standard CWGC headstone Grave location H 8. |
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Commemorated on these Island Memorials :
Newspaper reports and documents :
Nine pages of reports of Judd's career, and detailed obituaries and funeral reports, may be found in this PDF file :
Judd Reports from IW Mercury Of those mentioned in the articles Mr. T BRADING, Dr ROBERTSON, Rev A P CLAYTON and Sir Charles SEELY all lost sons in the war. ![]() National Probate Registry 1918
Friday, August 9, 1918 Page 1 We notice in the Times of Wednesday, August 7th, that Miss H.W.M. (Molly) Judd has been appointed as Assistant Principal in decoding in the Women's Royal Naval Air Service, Dover and Chatham.
Friday, April 26, 1918 Page 3 Ventnorians on War Service. __ The following letter reaches us from Mr. C.E.J. Spencer, written from a port in the near East. Its topical references to local men and affairs makes interesting reading. ... Among the men at this particular camp were many ISLE O' WIGHTERS - a tribute to the fact, freely admitted on all hands, that the Garden Isle has done her bit towards furnishing a full quota of men, money and material in this the hour of need. Although, at time of writing, I have been here less than a fortnight, I have met men from Ryde, Cowes, Newport, Shanklin, Sandown, the west of the Wight, and - not least of all - Ventnor. A quartette who recently foregathered at the Union Jack Club for dinner consisted of George Sanderson, and Harold Jenkins (ex Ventnor G.P.O. staff), Will Smith (Wroxall) and the writer. Just previously I had run across Lieut. Munsey of Sandown, and a Shanklin man named Smith. Added to these I have enumerated, there are in the district, to my knowledge, Archie Coleman, Dr. Billups (Sandown), Arthur Cook (Cowes), my own two brothers, and a Wroxall lad named Dove, who has again gone up the line. So - far from the Island's resources having been a mere pawn in this game of human chess - one wonders what the country would have done without her. And yet folk make fun our little home spot, and say it's not on the map. When I was in Marseilles I heard Sid Brown, of Sandown, parry one of these joking thrusts by drolly observing "The Isle of Wight is a piece of land which England was cut away from, and what she does to-day England does tomorrow." It may not be strictly accurate, but it showed pride for his native isle. Being one of the last from home you can readily imagine how eagerly the VENTNOR LADS listen to home news and gossip, punctuated by such comments as "What? The Royal Hotel opening? That's a good sign;" or "Mr. Sharpe's a rare good 'un for Ventnor - ought to be on the Council." (It was suggested, however, that he could do best as he was, since he was untrammelled - I nearly wrote uncontaminated.) The lads paid a high tribute to the late Major Judd's yeoman and successful work in Ventnor's interest, and copies of the "I.W. Mercury" which I had for December and dates subsequent were read with avidity ... (not all the letter has been transcribed)
Friday, October 18, 1918 Page 1 ... Most of the letters from Ventnor men in Mesopotamia contain sympathetic references to the death of Major W.B. Judd. ...
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