A Poppy
A Poppy

Memorials & Monuments
on the Isle of Wight
- Biography -
- Catherine Victoria White -

Unknown person Name : Catherine Victoria White

Daughter of : Alfred John Blake and Mary Blake (née Syred), of Ventnor.

Born : 1887, Ventnor.

Married : 1926, Sydney James White.
  Census information :

1891 : Alfred J. and Mary Blake, with their children including Catherine aged 3, are at 9, Buckingham House, Albert Street, Ventnor. Alfred J Blake is a Carpenter.

1901 : John and Mary Blake, with Catherine aged 13, are at 4 West Street, Ventnor. John Blake is a Carpenter.

1911 : Katherine [sic] Blake, aged 23, is a Cook (domestic servant) for the Behr sisters, at 2 Claremont, Belgrave Road, Ventnor.

  Casualty Details :

Died : 18 August 1942 aged 53. Died at 1 Springfield Terrace, West Street, Ventnor. Member of the Women's Voluntary Service.

Buried at : Ventnor Cemetery.

CWGC Record
  Commemorated on these Memorials :

Ventnor War Memorial
  Documents and Newspaper cuttings :

September 1942


September 1st, 1942
At a time when the whole world seems to be passing through the fire of affliction, and the hearts of men and women, from the highest to the lowest, are saddened by loss and anxiety, the past month has brought grief and bereavement to many in our town. How true it is in these days that "when one member suffers all the members suffer with it," for the hearts of all have gone out in true sympathy to those who have lost their loved ones and their homes. It is grievous to see the destruction caused in some parts of our Island and in our big cities on the mainland. We still feel how very much we have to be thankful for that the loss of life among us has been small, and that all our children are safe. We shall miss the kindly presence of Mrs. White, of West Street, who was with us at St. Catherine's on the last Sunday evening of her life, and was a regular communicant at our church. And for many years Mr. F.W. Russell, another of those killed, was a constant attender at our church, so long as health permitted him. It is calamities such as we have experienced recently that bring home to us the uncertainty of life, and the urgent necessity for being ready to face the call should misfortune overtake us. These are very solemn days, when it does not do to disregard our spiritual obligations and to be careless and indifferent. We have never known a time in our lives when there has been more need for linking our lives with God through Prayer and meditation, and turning to Him in true repentance for our past neglect of Him.

(not all the letter has been transcribed)
  Links :

Women's Royal Voluntary Service (formerly Women's Voluntary Service)
  Acknowledgments :

Janet Griffin for Newspaper research
  Page status :
Page last updated : August 2012


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